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Accountancy | Advisory | Audit | Tax

Hybrid work

Be flexible.

We fully embrace hybrid working and recognise the many advantages it can bring.

We provide our people with a high degree of flexibility to work between the office and their home, based on the nature of the activity that’s being performed and the wider requirements of the team in which they work.
Our home is a place where we can do focused work with minimal interruptions, and the office acts as a hub for collaborating, learning from others and socialising, whether meeting a client, training or meeting up with our colleagues. At the heart of our approach to hybrid working is an understanding that our work should be an activity that we do, not a place that we go.

Our hybrid working charter

Accommodate the client

We ensure we always accommodate our clients’ meeting needs, whether virtual or in-person, at our premises or theirs

Think need

We put our clients’ and team’s needs first, and decide where best to perform the activity or task

Core working hours

We offer the flexibility to structure your working week around our core working hours of 10am to 3pm, when everyone is usually available

Time in office

We work in our offices between 20% and 80% of our working time across a month, though you can work in the office all the time if you choose

High performance

We strive to deliver the highest standards of performance for our clients and colleagues, wherever we work

Training and mentoring

We are available in person to share knowledge and experience with our colleagues

Maintain and enhance our culture

We meet each other regularly in our offices, checking in on team members and supporting their health and wellbeing


We are open about our location and availability

Clear expectations

Managers set clear hybrid working expectations and focus on output not presenteeism

Dress appropriately

We dress appropriately when working in an office or representing the firm at client premises or events


"The flexibility is great! I really enjoy spending time with the team in the office but equally really appreciate the peace and quiet at home to be able to get my head down and focus on more technical work."

Dawn, Director


"I’ve swapped unproductive commuting time for exercise, and I’m spending more time with family. I also get more work done in busy periods without feeling like I have actually worked longer hours, as I can finish work and already be home."

Sophie, Corporate Finance Associate

"Hybrid working alleviates any pressure to travel unnecessarily. Wherever I decide to work from, I know the firm has the infrastructure to allow me to do so effectively and will support me in doing so."

Harry, Business Development Manager


"It provides the best of both worlds, the ability to catch up face to face with colleagues on days in the office and the ability to save time and put this towards client work by not commuting on other days."

James, Financial Planner


"One or two days a week without the commute really helps. I can do a slightly longer morning dog walk, or just get through the to-do list. That bit less driving reduces tiredness and impact on the environment too."

Sharon, Partner


"If I feel like I need a productive day getting my head down at home, I can do so, whereas if I feel I need some support from the wider team, I can book a desk in work at a moment’s notice. Being able to choose where I work from allows me to plan work around my life as opposed to life around my work."

Archie, Trainee Accountant

Woman dressed in a casual t-shirt, holding her cat whilst working from home
Woman enjoying a walk with her dog in the countryside whilst working from home
Woman smiling and holding pen in her hand whilst looking at an ipad when working from home
Young professional writing notes in a notebook whilst working from home

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